Noise background for pixel effect

Integrate Low Code Editor In Minutes

Seamlessly integrate advanced workflows into any app with assigned flows, letting users easily create, modify, and manage workflows and app behavior without extensive coding knowledge.

Unreal customization

Create custom nodes using JavaScript with any npm package.

Noise background for pixel effect
Slide 'Custom nodes' (0) image
Slide 'Layers' (1) image
Slide 'Modules' (2) image
Noise background for pixel effect
Serverless globe with regions


Execute flow on specified region, with scaling

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Noise background for pixel effect
Serverless globe with regions


Execute flow world-wide on edge

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Noise background for pixel effect

Easy to use flow through our API

import { FlowClient } from "@nouro/flow"

const client = new FlowClient({
    apiKey: process.env.FLOW_API_KEY as string

const edge = client.edge();

const response = await edge.execute({
	uuid: "32753e86-6f3a-465e-9662-62a6ddaaccd4",
    session: {
    	// Any uuid as session, for example flow uuid
        id: "32753e86-6f3a-465e-9662-62a6ddaaccd4"
    variables: {
        message: "Hello!"

const decoder = new TextDecoder();

const stream = response.toStream();

for await (const chunk of stream) {
Planet shape

Features you may also like

File Storage

Securely store and manage your files.


Share your flows, custom nodes, modules and layers to other users.


Easily manage and use variables.

Auto Typings

Automatic type generation for your nodes in editor.


Securely store and use credentials.


Track and record application events.

Live Logging

View real-time logs of your app.


Gain insights with powerful analytics.

Public URLs

Generate and share public URLs of flows.

Noise background for pixel effect


Be among the first to experience the future of low-code development. By joining to us, you'll get exclusive early access to our innovative platform

Planet shape Planet shape




For most how wants to play with flows / integrate them

500 Executions

100 Builds

5 Flows

1 GB of storage

5 Modules & 5 Custom nodes & 5 Layers

Pay as you go

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For most businesses that want to integrate low-code editor

5000 Executions

250 Builds

25 Flows

25 Modules & 25 Custom nodes & 25 Layers

25 GB of storage

Assigned flows

Pay as you go

Learn more
Polygon star shape Circle star shape